Kelly Wells - Jessica Walls Real Information 

The Truth About Jessica Walls/Kelly Wells

I can finally put some information out in the public eye about the porn star, Kelly Wells, the self-proclaimed whore. I have contacted her by e-mail through, but she refuses to respond to me. Anyways, since she refuses to respond, let me tell you a couple of things.

This nasty thing is obsessed with one thing, and it isn't sex, as she claims. It's money. It's not the fans, it's not the fame, it's money. Pure and simple. She brags about it and her house in Beverly Hills and her luxury car (which is rumored to have just been reposessed). Here's the deal. Do I have as much money as she does? No. Do I waste my money on frivolous things, like the fancy car and ritzy neighborhood? No. Can I look at myself in the mirror and sleep at night, knowing I'm a good person? Yes. And in 10 years, I will look back at my life and not regret a single thing. In 20 years, when my children ask, "What kind of jobs did you have?" I won't be ashamed to tell them or just flat out lie to them. Can you even imagine being her and saying to your son, I used to get screwed by 2 men in the ass at the same time and then let their cum run out and I'd lick it up. And I used to get paid $4,000 every time I did it. There's a way to earn the kids respect!

You may think I have a lot of pent-up frustration towards this little girl and you may wonder why. I wouldn't care a thing about her, except for the fact that she continues to try to contact her ex-boyfriend, who DUMPED her because she was a whore. She keeps in contact with some of his relatives and I don't understand why. She screwed up and she needs to leave him alone and she needs to stop talking to his family. She's obviously moved on with her life, so what does she want to do with his? Why, after cheating on her boyfriend and getting into the line of work she's in, why ON EARTH would she think he wants anything to do with her? She can't offer him ANYTHING that he'd want! SO STOP TRYING TO GET IN TOUCH WITH HIM, YOU WHORE!

Drivers License
Here's a picture of the little skank. Not very pretty is she? Notice her height? 5'4"? It's been reported in several articles that she's 5'10". NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!

See "Restrictions"? She's an "A" and in Nevada, that means EYEGLASSES!!! And in a few websites, she says (or others report) that she has hazel eyes. THEY'RE CONTACTS!

What I find the funniest is that she claims to be the most natural porn star in the business; no drugs, tattoos, ear piercings, etc. So, dying your hair and wearing contacts doesn't count? And really, how is it possible to have double anal and NOT be on some sort of desensitizing medication. Check with a doctor--it's not possible to enjoy sex as much as she does unless she's getting some extra help.

Her real name is JESSICA WALLS and she's from Fulton, Illinois. She graduated from Fulton High School in 2001. She was going to school as a pharmacy tech before she threw it away to become a stripper.

She also claims to have been to college to get her psychology degree. THIS IS A LIE!!!

Just remember, we all look good when we're 21. You'll be 25 in just a couple of years, and then your life in the business will be over. And like most porn stars, I'm sure you won't have any savings. And think of this when you're 35--all the money in the world won't be able to replace that hole in your heart because you screwed 1000 guys and can't have a baby because of the HPV or chlamydia you caught. Or even HIV. You see Jessica, we all all have "blond moments," but your life for the last 2 years has been a blond moment. So sad.

In a posting on adt, she claims, "I made me who I am as a performer." No she didn't! How many guys did she screw before she got into porn? THEY are who made her as a performer. It's not like you actually have to ACT to do porn. And some of the stuff she's done, you KNOW she has to be on some type of painkillers.

From another guy on his website, he said this: "I also worked with Kelly Wells, I can't get a line on that bitch. She is crazy hot, but a good bubble off center." Like I didn't already know that.

And again, from a post at adt, she goes off on some guy because he questioned her retiring, supposedly he heard it from someone she told it to. I'm not sure who this guy is, but I KNOW she told one of her friends (one of her ex-boyfriends relatives) that she was retiring. So how many people did she tell outside of the industry? On the adt website, she claims she's not retiring. So which is it? Personally, I think she's ashamed of what she does for a living, but she can't say no to the money because she's so materialistic. So she tells everyone she's retiring so they'll think better of her. To Kelly: it doesn't matter whether you get out of porn now or not. HE doesn't want anything to do with you!

Here's some additional comments she made in this posting, with my responses to her comments.

"It is a disappointment that ANYBODY would post here and try to convince people that I am retiring, because I know that your allegation comes from a very deep place..." I know for a fact that this psycho TOLD someone this. So how can it be an allegation? And how the hell would she know that it comes from a very deep place? You think some guy is jealous of your being a porn star? Her comment doesn't even make any sense!

"if you have 3 kids by two different men, and you are bored with your marriage that you feel stuck in, than you have nothing better to do than spite people for their success..than you are very fucked up." What kind of a person is like that? And this guy's name was joedoe. Why is she talking about him as if she's a woman? Maybe she knows joedoe?

"maybe you are jealous that you do not have the balls (or lack thereof) to do what I do for a living, because you wish you could get fucked half as good as I do ALL the fucking time, and you are sick of the lousy dick you have been getting for hte past 8 years, and you are just plain tired of being a broke fuck" She MUST have a clue who this guy is and that joedoe is really a woman. I mean, she gives a specific number of years this person has been with their partner (8 years) and she mentions that this person is tired of the lousy dick they had been getting. Unless she's talking about a gay man?

Then she says "you do not have the balls (or lack thereof)..." Ok, let's evaluate--by saying someone doesn't have the balls or the lack thereof, isn't Jessica saying that the person DOES have balls? Two negatives make a positive right?

And as for someone being jealous of what Jessica does for a living? Are you kidding? What is there to be jealous of? She's not that pretty! Why would anyone be jealous of her? For example, I look much hotter, I have much better & bigger boobs and yes, they're natural! I am well-respected and I have no desire to take off my clothes for any amount of money!

I have no jealousy of her. I have only pity. The fact that she was with an awesome guy, she cheated on him, her next boyfriend talked her into stripping and that relationship only lasted a couple of months, and now everyone knows what the inside of her ass looks like. Personally, I think sex between two people is a beautiful and private thing and should be kept that way. I don't want people that I knew before I was into porn seeing me and what I look like naked. I would be ashamed, and yes, I DO care what other people think, so if that means I'm shallow, so be it.

"The only one true thing said in the initial that someday I hope to run a business."
With all the money that she brags about making, and her only hope it to run a business? On the phone to this person that she told she was retiring, Jessica said that her plan was to own a business, but now she only claims to want to run a business. Well, sweetie, I myself run a business, but I don't own it. So what are you doing with all that money? Oh, that's right! You're wasting it on your materialistic lifestyle, nice car, okay house in Beverly Hills, and you've stopped wearing those cheap Wal-Mart panties. Now I remember!

"Anybody in porn who knows me knows I am smart enough to do it, but that is my prerogative." All of Jessica's pre-porn friends that I've talked to don't think she's that intelligent. So did she join the porn industry and all of a sudden gain some intelligence? I think I've proven that she's not very intelligent. Had she been SOMEWHAT intelligent, she'd realize that she uses the word "than" in the wrong context almost every time she uses it in her postings on adt. "Than" is used to compare two things, whereas she should be using "then," which is used when listing items in an order of time (ie, take out the trash, then mop the floor). If she'd been SOMEWHAT intelligent, she wouldn't have left your boyfriend in Las Vegas (not the one that got her into stripping). And why is it that it has to be anybody in porn that knows she's smart enough? Does Jessica not have any friends outside of the porn industry? That can't be true, or else I wouldn't have found out about her telling people that she was retiring, right? AND if Jessica WERE "smart enough," wouldn't she have just cut off all contact with all pre-porn friends and family? Had she actually cut off all contact with her pre-porn friends, I wouldn't be wasting my time putting out all this information about her.

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